Wow, it has been a long time since I have blogged! I promise I haven't been sitting here twiddling my thumbs for the past (almost) 2 months. Do people actually do that?
Anyhow, I have missed many a link-up and currently and Monday Made-it because I just haven't had ANY time. I am in the middle of my third week off for the summer, and while I have enjoyed the time off, I have found other things that have occupied my time!
The last time I blogged was May 4th. That was the day after my husband and I moved out of our house and in with my parents. You see, over spring break, we went looking at model homes and decided at the end of March to sign a contract and put our house on the market. We figured we wouldn't sell right away and we would be able to stay in our house until school ended. WRONG! The day after our house went on the market, we had a FULL-PRICE CASH OFFER! On what planet does that happen??
And, they wanted us out in 30 days.
Did you hear me? THIRTY DAYS.
Panic sets in after the initial elation subsides. I looked at my husband and said, "we are going to need some boxes!"
And, boxes we bought.
No, don't worry, this is only 1/2 of what he brought home from the first trip to the UHAUL store.
And, we had to go back 2 more times.

Seriously, whatever it takes to help you get through it!
This was taken the last night in our old house. Our sweet dog, Banjo, LOVES running around and playing catch in this backyard. He has adjusted pretty well to the sweet life at Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Anyhow, we packed for literally 30 days straight. Then, the day that the movers showed up, we found some more that we accidentally left behind. Really, what happened was the hubs was in charge of a few areas and I think he just put those things in another closet to make it looked like he finished faster. I am on to him.
I literally thought the boxes would never end. We had to put almost everything in storage since we were going to be living with my parents for 3 months. Here is what it looked like about 3/4 of the way full...
For those of you who are wondering the size--it is a 10 foot by 30 foot unit. And we FILLED it!
And, after going back the next day to get a few more odds and ends, we drove away for the very last time. This was my first house to purchase as an adult and I was so blessed to live here for 5 years. But, I am SUPER excited to move on to the next adventure in our lives :)

And, so it begins! Check out the lot for our new home! Estimated finish date: August 2014!
Stay tuned for more posts that detail all of the math that goes into building a house!

I can't wait for updates!