Sunday, August 2, 2015

It's time for the Back to School Sale!

One thing I love about this time of year is new school supplies and new TPT products to purchase for my classroom! I like to change things up so I don't get bored of using the same activities over and over again. I am going to share with you some things that I am glad I purchased last year, and some things that I am super stoked to purchase tomorrow!

Last year, I bought these and they were awesome!

Integers!  I wanna be a Rock-Star Relay - A fun way to review!

Have you ever used any of MissMathDork's relays? Have you been living under a rock!? They are the best thing that has entered my classroom on a review day since I don't know what. This was perfect for my 6th graders last year! She even has bundles for you to create your own.

Pumpkin Coloring Activity Template - Personal Use Only!

I LOVE All Things Algebra and these coloring activities. I use them as an activity to leave with a sub because the coloring keeps them busy. I also choose my 10-12 juiciest problems to put on these so that they are getting rigorous practice AND not having free time to annoy a substitute!

Noggle Interactive PowerPoint Game

This activity is a great way to close out a class period when you have a few extra minutes!

Some things that I JUST. CANNOT. WAIT. to purchase are:

Real Number System 8th Grade Unit

Growth Mindset Motivational Posters

AND, a whole lot of digital paper!

My store will be discounted 20% and you can receive an additional 10% off your whole purchase with the promo code BTS15 at checkout! Click the logo below to be taken to my store.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Enhancing Basic Skills Without Losing Class Time

Hello, friends! I hope that you have had a wonderful summer so far. It is about that time for me to start thinking about going back to school (as hard as that is right now!) and I began reflecting upon some things that worked for me last year. If you are in Texas, then you know how hard of a shift we made with new standards this year. I found myself feeling a great need to "fill in all the gaps" that my kiddos had. However, we simply didn't have the time. I had to come up with a way to help them without using class time.

I taught two grades last year: 6th Grade On Level Math, and 7th Grade Pre-AP Math. Needless to say, they had very different gaps. 

On my campus, we have 5 minute passing periods. If you are on an elementary campus or don't have as long of a passing period, you may need to tweak this for your campus.

Here's what I came up with: I made flash cards (using index cards and a sharpie that still had some life left in it!) for whatever skill it was that my kids were severely struggling with. For my 6th graders, it was multiplication facts at first, and for my 7th graders, it was integer operations. (Can I get an AMEN?!)

Anyhow, I made about 60 flashcards of varying difficulty for each set and used different colors so that I could easily identify which set was for which grade level. At the end of each class, I would dismiss my kids, and wait at the door for my next class. They were already trained to wait until I told them they could go in, so this was an easy transition. 

The first kid would get a card that looked like this:

They weren't necessarily this easy, but on the back would be the answer like this:

I had them reversed as well, where a larger factor would appear first.

And, again, the answer was on the back.

If the student got the right answer, they went into class and completed whatever task was on the board for them. If the answer was incorrect, I did one of two things. Sometimes, I let the student take the card with them to the back of the line and when they got back up to the front they would need to explain why the answer is what it is. Other times, I would send them to the back of the line to review their notes and when they came back up, they would get a different card. It was a great way to hold them accountable for skills that they should have mastered. 

If I had hall duty, I would have the first student who answered correctly show the cards to the rest of the class. The kids would compete to get to class first to have this honor. It was hilarious. Who rushes to get to MATH!?

I'm going to be completely honest here. I didn't think this would work as well as it did. I would use the same exact set for a week or two before switching to something a bit more difficult based on what we were learning in class. I had amazing results! The kids cheered each other on, which was great, and were so proud of themselves when they got the answer right on the first try. They enjoyed being challenged. Which made me ecstatic.

The best thing that ever happened was this:

Remember when I said that my 7th graders were struggling with integer operations? Well, that is because it was now a 6th grade standard and it used to be a 7th grade standard. My students unfortunately did not get very much instruction the prior year and were frustrated big time. This was about the time that my 6th graders were learning integer operations and as a 6th grader walks by during the passing period, he sees the card I am showing to a 7th grader and he yells out, "Hey! How come the 7th graders get easier cards than we do?!" This really motivated my 7th graders to master this and move on to a new stack of cards!

So, if you are looking to start something like this in your classroom, but don't have time to make the cards yourself, my first two sets are available for purchase in my TpT store. More sets will be coming soon. If you have any requests, leave me a comment or send me an email and I will add it to my list!

This particular set has 120 cards used to practice multiplication facts complete with answers on the back of the cards. Click the image for more information.

This set has 96 cards (24 for each integer operation) with the answers on the backside. Click the image for more information.

Have a great school year!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

16 Secondary Mathletes You NEED to be Following!

Ever notice that the internet is flooded with elementary math ideas, but that finding quality secondary materials is virtually impossible.... LOOK NO FURTHER! I'd love to introduce you to the

Secondary Mathletes! mathlete image 9


Live.Love.Math - Danielle Krantz
Grades 5 - 9
TpT Store
lindsay perro
Lindsay Perro
Grades 6 - 9
TpT Store
MissMathDork - Jamie Riggs
Grades 4 - Algebra I
TpT Store
Nautical Blog Button
Lessons With Coffee - Jameson Ivey
Grades 5 - 8
TpT Store
4mulaFun - Jennifer Smith-Sloane
Grades 4 - 9
TpT Store
All Things Algebra - Gina Wilson
Grades 6 - 11
TpT Store
secondary math workshop
Secondary Math Shop
Grades 8 - 12
TpT Store
to the square inch
To the Square Inch - Kate Bing Coners
Grades 4 - 9
TpT Store
teaching math by hart
Teaching Math By Hart - Kim Hartikainen
Grades 5 - 8
TpT Store
teaching high school math
Teaching High School Math - Jennifer Lamb
Grades 6 - 12
TpT Store
Hodges Herald - Elizabeth Hodges
Grades 5 - 8
TpT Store
21st century
21st Century Math Projects - Clint Clark
Grades 6 - 12
TpT Store
scaffolded science and math
Scaffolded Math and Science - Shana Donohue
Grades 8 - 11
TpT Store
for the love of teaching math
For the Love of Teaching Math - Andrea Kerr
Grades 6 - 12
TpT Store
rundes room
Runde's Room - Jennifer Runde
TpT Store
math station central
Math Stations Central - Adrienne Meldrum
TpT Store  
While you are out looking at some new Mathletes in your grade level (and hopefully adding some great things to your wishlist), what are you looking for in resources? How can we help your further your teaching at the secondary level? We'd love to here from you HERE!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Deep in the Heart of Texas Blog Hop

Welcome to the "Deep in the Heart of Texas" blog hop!  Over 40 Texas teacher bloggers have joined together to share what we love about our state as well as ideas and freebies that we love.  You will also have the opportunity to enter to win TpT products and/or TpT gift certificates by entering using the rafflecopters included in each post.  Down at the bottom, you will see all of the blogs participating in the hop.  Just click and you will be taken to their posts.  We hope you love what you find.  Happy Valentine's Day!

I am from originally from Sugar Land, TX, but now we call Rosenberg, TX home. It is about 30 miles from downtown Houston, but we have just about everything we need right in our own backyard! From shopping to restaurants--we almost never leave! My husband wishes we would move to San Diego where he is originally from and I will admit that the weather is wonderful. However, I just couldn't imagine my life not in Texas!

It feels like a small town in my neighborhood, but we really are suburbanites that can get to Houston for anything else we need. The schools are great, people are super friendly, and the weather (except for the heat of the summer) is amazing! I absolutely hate the humidity, but I think it is a trade-off to not have to shovel snow like we did when I was a little kid living in NJ. Then again...we would have snow days..

There's also something about Texas in general that you just can't put your finger on. It's got city life, country charm, and a whole lot more. I think you could live your whole life here and not see it all!

A lesson that I love deals with teaching volume of pyramids and prisms and having students discover the relationship between the two. You can read more about that here! In fact, it was almost a year ago that I blogged about it and it is such a great activity.

I LOVE writing in math class. I try to do it a few times each unit but, truth be told, I wish I had time everyday. Here is a sample of 10 writing prompts for the middle school classroom. It is part of a larger product, but this sample is enough to get you started!

It's always fun to win something, right? You can enter to win one of 8 $10 TPT gift certificates or a fantastic resource prize pack! My 6th Grade End of Year Activities is included in the 4-8 Pack so be sure to enter!

Click on the buttons below to visit some other awesome Texas bloggers!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Scoop!

I have been trying to make a little more time for blogging lately and these easy link-ups are perfect! I am linking up with Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop!

Sometimes 4-day weeks are the slowest and busiest, am I right??

My husband had a total knee replacement (no, he's not 80!) almost two weeks ago and my weeks now consist of running home right after work to pick him up and take him to physical therapy. It's amazing to see the progress that he has made in such a short amount of time! Tomorrow is his follow-up appointment and we see if he is ready to go back to work. I hope so!

I am just getting back from my sister's bachelorette party this weekend in Austin and in less than 3 weeks her bridal shower is at my house. I haven't been focused on that since I have been planning the bachelorette weekend, but now I can focus on that. 6 weeks until the wedding!

And, lastly, I am so excited to have tomorrow off! Nuff said. How does your week look??

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Secondary Smorgasbord Link-Up: Out of the Deep Freeze!

I sure would like things to thaw out around here...we haven't seen the sun in what seems like weeks! Cold and rainy around these here parts! This seems like the perfect time to join in with a bunch of secondary bloggers and take our best products out of the deep freeze!

This link-up is hosted by the ELA Buffet and Desktop Learning Adventures.

I don't know about you, but when we come back from Winter Break, the focus is on test prep. And, since I am from Texas, it is all about the STAAR test! I have worked tirelessly to make sure that the task cards I made last year have been updated to reflect the new TEKS and I have even started using them in my classroom as warm-ups and exit tickets to spiral in some content that was taught first semester to ensure that my students don't see questions like this for the first time on the actual test. 

Right now, I have completed sets for 6th and 7th grade and half of the sets for 5th grade completed. For 6th grade, I need to finish the TEKS for Personal Financial Literacy, and that will be done within the next few weeks.

This is such a great resource because each set has 4 task cards per standard. That means your students will get exposure to STAAR-type questions multiple times whereas on a released test you might see one or two if you are lucky! The other bonus is that there are VERY few materials to help prepare for STAAR math this year since the TEKS are brand spanking new.

This was one of my best selling products last year and many teachers saw great results. If you own these, remember to go back to TPT and re-download so that you get the newest version. 

Don't have them? Click the images above to be taken directly to the listing or click here to view all of my STAAR resources. Be sure to check out what other secondary teachers are taking out of the deep freeze!