Seriously, where did the time go!? It seems like just last week I was getting out of school and packing up my room. This happens every year and summer just needs to SLOW. DOWN. I mean, I don't even have any notion of a tan, yet!
That being said, I have had A LOT of time this summer to find new bloggers to
My husband and I are both teachers. Therefore, we are both off for the summer at the same time. He likes to relax by playing video games with friends...I can't stand it, solely because of the noises that emanate from his computer! It's ridiculous, and I seriously don't wish it on anyone. For reals.
SUMMERTIME! I have not done near as many fun things that I had hoped for already (Let's be real, I have spent a TON of time on my classroom for next year--one of my favorite things to do in the summer!), but I did get to have a fun girls night at the New Kids on the Block CONCERT! Also in attendance were Boys 2 Men and 98 Degrees...It was awesome!

Also - can I just say how much I am LOVING the giveaways going on at The School Supply Addict's blog?? Simply ah-mazing, and today is the last get on over there to enter!
There is something so wonderful about teaching in that you get a new group of kids each year, a clean slate, if you will. I have the opportunity of teaching a new grade level on a new campus, so it is almost like the first year of teaching all over again - you know, without the learning curve! There are so many new things I want to implement in my new room that I have overflowing lists all over the house! I can't wait to really get started...after the summer, of course!
Seriously, I never get sick. I mean the last time I was sick had to have been over 3 years ago, before my husband and I even got engaged...until now. I have had this cold that has gotten progressively worse since Wednesday, so we are going on DAY 5! I should buy stock in Kleenex. And vitamin C. I HATE not being able to breathe.
My plan this summer was to deep clean one area of the house each day so that it would be uncluttered and neat. I technically am not failing at this task because I haven't started, right? Tomorrow--that sounds like a good time to start!
How do you get over summer colds? Help me out by leaving a comment below--I am desperate!
Have a great Sunday,